Tuesday, January 31, 2023


 flipfluid color box , outflow on top , different color inflows , resoution 20 , qvga output

montage many samples together , add 2 or 3 alpha channels from mix videos.

pastelfluids https://youtu.be/6T_TxfvjRIk

Thursday, January 12, 2023

image roller video

name series of images a1- a10.jpg
import images as planes
move camera through images
replace jpg files

make folders of a1-a10 jpgs
move to work folder

add object effects
add backround building
add backround video
rotate and resize images
add color to backround building and atmosphere backround/white

make short 4K mp4 video and scroll with pause on in browser

Mirrorhouse video effect

-name video a.mp4
-import images as planes
-choose a.mp4
-edit mode , subdivide , distort image like a mirrorhouse,

change videos by replacing file a.mp4
- edit holes to video and put copies on top of each other
- animate with shape tween
- camera movement edit between distortions

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Broken glass objects

 complex object:

cube , edit one side

add array and screw modifier(s)

add glass material

object - quick explode effect


render , 

cyckles tick denoiser off and lower sample amount to make it faster