Monday, January 31, 2022

gimp smartphone backrounds

 make black color 2000x1000 pixels long image
draw thick white line
add cubism filter with large value
add color hue croma filter , choose large value to croma to make colors from white
add gauss blur

make black color 2000x1000 pixels long image
draw thick white line
add little planet filter
add illusion filter

make black color 2000x1000 pixels long image
draw thick white line
add pixelize and size ratio 0,5
add little planet or wave filter
adjust colors with color temperature

Thursday, January 20, 2022

paperpiece webcam movement tracing

Have a paperpiece with dot on table

make video with webcam and move webcam to make movement.

open blender vfx motion tracking , clip - open video clip
track - add marker - adjust border around dot
track tab on left , track: arrow to trace movement

reconstruction - link empty to track
-moving empty is now on animation screen
make object , choose 1. object and  2. empty ,  ctrl p , to parent

-you have a moving object on screen

-remove video on motion tracking screen

-add camera select ctrl 0 to make it render camera , keep original camera in place

- add rotation and scale

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Domino train

 Make domino train

add cube
press sx , sz , to shape a domino
make plain and add width to it on edit mode
adjust domino to be on plain
on physics properties ,add rigid body passive physics to plain
on physics properties ,add rigid body active physics to domino
press 7 on numpad to go to top view, to make all changes on same level
make copies of domino and form short lines and curves
put them on side as templates
copy line templates and make a track
got to frame 1 and rotate first domino to fall
press play and let animation to go all the way
render animation

+add some objects, colors and camera angles as decorations
+remember to add material to domino before you start copying it :D

+go Scene Properties - Rigid body World - Cache - adjust end frame above 250