Thursday, December 1, 2022

Blender video editing

 Blender video editing

screencap video
blender , import images as planes , add video
change render ranges

-screw modifier
-array modifier
-edit mode subdivide distortion
-build modifier
-make holes to video , put many on top of each other
-stretch corner
-add many copies in different angles
- edited shape build
-wave modifier
- shape key liquid fall
- shape key flattening
-wave edited grid
-wireframe thick , edited grid
-change video to old pattern , material , color , image , choose new video
-frame step makes video faster
-wireframe replace original, untick , to see video
-plane wave modifier , y x xy , different bouncing

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

blender colorwave

 blender colorwave

add cube , extrude height few times,
add modifiers: skin , array , wave
animate wave lenght , i and change numbers .

choose render with workbench , lighting flat
add colors for materials after change

add wireframe modifier for more complexity

Thursday, October 20, 2022

architect drawing in blender

architect drawing in blender

import image as plane , choose base of building map
add plane, remove edge.
edit mode , extrude edges to trace walls
a , e , to raise the wall
a , e , to add width to wall

use boolean modifier , or boxcutter to cut windows

Transparent video for OBS streams

 Transparent video for OBS streams

Output properties:
container: Quicktime , codec: QT rle/ animation

Render Properties , Film: transparent , tick

Eevee Render

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Color mixer

 add three sphere color inflows
add two moving obstacle cubes with no rendering
animate movement with rec button
view from above camera
add outflow under

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Moving fluid containers

Moving fluid containers:

- s x , to scale flat fluid domain area ( to make render area smaller)
- put fluid object on bottom ( or many colors)
- add cup shapes below fluid , fluid obstacle , export animated mesh , tick camera off disable in renders on cup object to make movement of fluid in cup visible
- animate cup to jump up below fluid
- bake and render




Sunday, August 14, 2022

Flipfluid color mixing


Video tutorial



activate flipfluid developer tools , from addon preferences
tick geometry attributes from flipfluid menu

FLIP Flid Surface - Geometry Attributes

color attributes , tick
enable mixing , tick

make fluid animation

choose baked fluid simulation mesh
open shader editor
attribute, connect color to base color
8min50s ->

Friday, May 20, 2022

framebyframe animating

 keyframe rec , left arrow when mouse is on timeline , move object , repeat
in dope sheet resize frames , double and move next to next frame to make gliding disappear

mirror house effect for video

 mirror house effect for video.


 add video with aad images as plains. 

tab to edit mode unsubdivide and distort surface. 

press play and sreencap or render video.

Monday, May 16, 2022


 Splash effect:

make flipfluid splash , put glass material

add makehuman body , make gesture with disconnected "airbones" 

render with cycles

Friday, May 6, 2022

blender robot hand

 press 1 to have onesided camera angle
add bone , tab to edit mode e to extrude bone to 4 bones
add cylinder , extrude 4 times around bones
ctrl rclick mesh and bone , ctrl p to parent mesh to bone
i o , rec mode move bones to make movement
use dope sheet mode g s to edit , s can scale reverse movement

press 1 to have onesided camera angle
add bone , tab to edit mode shift d to copy bones to different spots
add metaball , copy around bones , convert to mesh
ctrl rclick mesh and bone , ctrl p to parent mesh to bone
i o ,  in rec mode move bones to make movement
use dope sheet mode g s to edit movement , s can scale reverse movement

Friday, March 18, 2022

waterdistortion bodyshapes

flipfluid splash
put camera under water and model on top of water

try jpg images too

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

grayscale to color chroma filter


grayscale to color chroma filter

white backround
draw black line
use smear tool with large size
smear whole picture
hue chroma filter 70-100% value

Monday, January 31, 2022

gimp smartphone backrounds

 make black color 2000x1000 pixels long image
draw thick white line
add cubism filter with large value
add color hue croma filter , choose large value to croma to make colors from white
add gauss blur

make black color 2000x1000 pixels long image
draw thick white line
add little planet filter
add illusion filter

make black color 2000x1000 pixels long image
draw thick white line
add pixelize and size ratio 0,5
add little planet or wave filter
adjust colors with color temperature

Thursday, January 20, 2022

paperpiece webcam movement tracing

Have a paperpiece with dot on table

make video with webcam and move webcam to make movement.

open blender vfx motion tracking , clip - open video clip
track - add marker - adjust border around dot
track tab on left , track: arrow to trace movement

reconstruction - link empty to track
-moving empty is now on animation screen
make object , choose 1. object and  2. empty ,  ctrl p , to parent

-you have a moving object on screen

-remove video on motion tracking screen

-add camera select ctrl 0 to make it render camera , keep original camera in place

- add rotation and scale

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Domino train

 Make domino train

add cube
press sx , sz , to shape a domino
make plain and add width to it on edit mode
adjust domino to be on plain
on physics properties ,add rigid body passive physics to plain
on physics properties ,add rigid body active physics to domino
press 7 on numpad to go to top view, to make all changes on same level
make copies of domino and form short lines and curves
put them on side as templates
copy line templates and make a track
got to frame 1 and rotate first domino to fall
press play and let animation to go all the way
render animation

+add some objects, colors and camera angles as decorations
+remember to add material to domino before you start copying it :D

+go Scene Properties - Rigid body World - Cache - adjust end frame above 250