Friday, December 18, 2020

Sulkien Tarina

 Sulkien tarina 

Bones for meshes are made simplified to match the movement on the scene , instead of actual bone structure.

Materials are made with extreme pbr materials addon from blendermarket.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Extreme PBR materials

Extreme PBR materials


 good tool for materials

file -external data -pack all files to .blend  , so you can edit file with many computers without having pink materials.


Friday, December 11, 2020

one bone group movement technique

 ctrl j , join many objects to new group of people etc. 

 add  one bone , on edit mode place bone or two to objects.

ctrl p to parent object and bone

 animate the whole group of people from one bone.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Bone movements:

make copies of doll mesh
delete un needed parts
edit mode copy bones to all parts ( no need to do relistic bones , just for movement )
make copy of bone object

1. choose mesh 2. choose bone , ctrl p , set parent to automatic weights

pose with autorec on keyframes


Pbr extreme package from blendermarket
add material
tab-editmode, a , u , smart unwrap

clothes and details on object:
add materials
material tab , edit mode
choose area , assing material , both sides

-no separate objects - > bone movements work

Sculpting method:

copies - shaping
object - convert to - mesh

sculpt mode:
dyntopo , zoom in zoom out to change amount of detail , adding and decreasing tools

object mode:
decimate modifier , collapse

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Material screw backround images

Add shape , icosphere or sphere.
add material texture to it  from for example
add screw modifier or two , choose different axis
change screw and subdivide values

render with eevee engine

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Ubuntu Studio wallpaper test

wave screw and array modifiers , plus flipfluid