Monday, May 27, 2019

make puppet for water splashing

-makehuman lowpoly .dae mesh
-pose moves
-flipfluid obstacle  , tick Export animated mesh to animate water.

Flipfluid sculpting

- bake fluid simulation
- select fluidsurface
- press n for transformation , remove location locks
- on chosen frame choose edit mode (tab) choose all (a) part (p)
- selected part is now fluid_surface.001 , press n for transformation , remove location locks if any
- combine parts into sculpture

Sunday, May 26, 2019

water with blender render

-add many light sources
-material panel,
-tick transparency
-put ambient or translucency to maximum and other minimum
-pick colors

-animate object moving in water with keyframes

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

fluid particle landscapes

-make fluid simulation
-make a cone tree
-place particle system with tree object to fluid simulation
-play to see random location of trees in each frame
-place a car in front of camera , animate up and down with graph editor key - add F-curve modifier - cycles

Monday, May 20, 2019

Using font as building material

- make some custom drawings to font template , in Birdfont or here :  , straight line in the sheet is a good start
- export .otd font
- place text object in blender , go to font tab , pick font , add geometry values for thickness
- add text as particles or make into object.
- add black backround and color lights

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Spelling template

-make two parts of word with text tool
-make two plane objects
-make one text to one group
-put particles to plane, 1 , to make one word
-repeat to other

-animate the planes by placing physics options
-make plane material transparent
-make up a word and animate
-Texts can be easily modified and colored

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

flipfluid , use fluid object as particle object

flipfluid , use fluid object as particle object , -cool results

-to take only one frame chose edit mode in fluid (tab) and choose part , press p , its now separate object.
- put particles on chosen surface

animate with moving surface

Bouncing balls animated with moving surface

- make a box for floor
- animate up and down position  , i
- go graph editor , choose animated axis z , key - add F-curve modifier - cycles / key - shift ctrl m - c
- box, rigid body - passive , tick animated shape: mesh
- add balls and gravity settings

Tangram shapes

Many shape tweens unfolding to a shape 100 -> 0 %

Tangram shape link:

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Ball track

Camera and light following a ball in a track of objects.

-make objects with physics settings (passive , mesh )
-copy them to make a track.
- make a ball (physics, active , mesh)
- test dropping heights and gravity settings , to make ball move through track
- Use 0 button to see through camera to place right angles to follow moving of ball ( i for keyframe)
- move lights to make movement of ball more interesting
- make version with many balls and make separate videos
- animate some objects for decoration, (shape tweens wont effect physics)

shape tween animating particles

shape tween animating particles

Use different shape tween to animate particles of balls. (i) make the particled object transparent. you can use many different shape tweens and bake sound to f-curves for complex results.

flipfluid with particles

Simple wave with cube particles.

flipfluid grid resolution: 33
particles: 100 , resize animated cube

why cubes locate randomly on each frame?

wave with cones:

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Greasy wheels

Greasy wheels

made with help of these addons and objects: