Wednesday, April 17, 2019



-make pieces
-join pieces to one object
-make shape tween , edit shape to a form
-animate 0% to 100 % shape with i key
-make more shape tweens
-combine shapes with different % levels

camera: alt r  , to point it down 7 to look up to down for 2d effect
light: blender render , light backround color , no lights

make 3d shapes also?

New animatings

Gravity animation

Animate with changing gravity.

gravity values can be animated with i button z -10 down , 10 up .
all objects with rigid body  , active will move.
collision animations etc.

to right - cars . . .
up --- space
up down "jumping"

0 gravity beer:

0 gravity egg

Monday, April 15, 2019

Templates .blend

Light, physics and "frictionphysicsanimation" .blend templates:

-5 point lights on white backround
-Rolling ball
-Friction movement with overlapping physics objects.

download zip:

Examples what you can do with them: